NTT franchise in Majuli|  NTT Course | NTT Center Recognition open Start in Majuli

NTT franchise in Majuli |  NTT Course | NTT Center Recognition open Start in Majuli

-मैक्स आई टी एवं व्यावसायिक प्रशिक्षण बोर्ड


भारत सरकार के अधिनियम 1958 व श्रम मंत्रालय द्वारा पंजीकृत

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Full Process to register with NTT franchise in Majuli |  NTT Course | NTT Center Recognition open Start in Majuli:

if you want to get information about NTT franchise in Majuli |  NTT Course | NTT Center Recognition open Start in Majuli/Early Child Care Education Diploma   read about Diploma in Nursery Teacher Training program is also known by the short name of NTT course!. The main aim of NTT course is to cater to the nursery (pre-primary) level teacher workforce in Majuli, Assam. NTT students are trained in areas like child education, teaching methodology, nursery level subjects & communication.

Where to take franchise for ntt/Register NTT Franchise/NTT franchise in Majuli:

how to register NTT Franchise
how to register NTT Franchise

Today when we search about NTT franchise in Majuli, Assam we saw so Many Website & Link about NTT/Early Child Care Education Diploma   Franchise but before Registration The thing that is important to know where to register NTT Franchise Detail are:

Different Between NCTE approved NTT & NCT  Approved Franchise: 

NTT (Nursery Teacher Training) Course 2 year Diploma course After 12th Class. After This Course Diploma Holder Provide/Give the Education to Children/Student up to Nursery Class. In Market today we Saw so Many Institute Provide NTT Education. E-Max India is one of them. To See our Registration Detail click on this link Today we will talk about whether these courses are done by NCTE or not.

We want to tell you that this course Used/Conducted by NCTE before 2013, But after 2013 This Course  Stopped doing by NCTE. & this all detail (Recognised Institutions) available on NCTE Official Website.  Now this course is not done by NCTE.  Now all Institute Provide this course Without NCTE, This Course is Very Important for Self Employment & Job.

Wherever, non-NCTE Diploma (NTT Diploma) will be asked, for job  you can apply in all those jobs For Example Anganwadi, Play School & all private School Etc.

Registered NTT franchise in Majuli / ntt course affiliation /Organization with Ministry of Human Resources Development (MHRD):

Today Mostly Center/Organization/Franchise Update on his Website/Banner that they are Registered  with MHRD, But that's not reality, They are Register (Prospectus/Course/logos) under Only Copyright Act.

Course Detail of NTT franchise in Majuli ntt course affiliation  for take franchise for ntt:

Term -1 (Theoretical)

  • (a) Child Psychology (b) Child Care & Health
  • Sociology & Guidance
  • School Organization
  • Principal of Education & Educational Psychology
  • Modern Methods of Teaching & Teaching Topic
  • (a) Working with Parents & Community
  • (b)  Pre Primary (Nursery) Education.

Term -2 (Practical)

  • Lesson Plan, Practical Files & School Teaching Practical
  • Nursery Rhymes, Group Songs,
  • English Poems & Patriotic Songs) & Viva.

NTT franchise in Majuli , N.T.T Courses Eligibility ntt course affiliation , Admission, Fees:

NTT franchise in Majuli Eligibility Criteria and Admission Details , N.T.T colleges, fees, qualification Detail in this link:

Name of the Course:          Diploma in Nursery Teacher Training (NTT)
Duration:                             1 year/2 Years
Eligibility Criteria:             10+2 passed from a recognized board

NTT franchise in Majuli

NTT Course (Nursery Teacher Training) Documents  or Requirements for Admission Online or Offline in , NTT Course in Majuli

  • Student Qualification 12th Class
  • 2 Student Photo
  • Age Limit 18 years or Ablove
  • Age must be 18 Years Above.
  • Student Admission Form

Some Question About NTT Nursery Teacher Training Institute TRAINING education Institute Registration:

Before know about Registration Process of  NTT franchise in Majuli Read some Question:

  • Question 1: Can we register it online (Online Operation/Registration)?
  • Ans: Yes, You can register it both online or offline.
  • Question 2: What is the cost to get the institute registered? (Startup *Costs* )
  • Ans: To get the institute registered, you can start the registration according to your location and your budget.  Normal Cost 50000-300000.
  • Question 3: Can be operated from home?
  • Ans: Yes,You can also start it from home.
  • Question 4: Can be operated part-time?
  • Ans: Yes, You can also do it part time.
  • Question 4: Can i get a franchise now (Franchises Available)?
  • Ans: Yes, You can apply for franchise now
    How To Get Government Recognize For Computer Training Institute: Fill This Form

Full Process for Registration take franchise for NTT franchise in Majuli | Open of NTT Training Institute Center Franchise In Majuli . How to Register Institute with in 12 HRS:

Document Required for Starting take franchise for ntt Your Own NTT franchise in Majuli

Document required for (NTT) Nursery Teacher Training Center Franchise Center in  Majuli  :

  1. Institute Registration Certificate if any.
  2. Director Adhaar Card.
  3.  Passport size photos(2 Photo).
  4. Director Qualification Certificate.
  5. Franchise Form with all information.
  6. Center Franchise One time Service Fee.

Basic Requirements for  Starting Your Own NTT Nursery Teacher Training training institute /Training Center Franchise Registration Basic requirements Detail are:


Basic Requirements for take franchise for ntt,  NTT center Institute Franchise Registration Open:

  1. Building Requirements/Shop for NTT Franchise:

    If you have your own Building then you can teach them or not Take a shop on Rent for Open or Franchise of NTT.

  2. Machinery Or Computer/Laptopfor NTT Franchise:
      (For More detail  Apply Now)
  3. Location for NTT Franchise:

    “It is a Very Important Part of the Success of our Institute in which we have opened our Institute. Where  we Open Our Institute, there should be a school college or a bust stand or public place where people can easily come.” 

  4. Teacher for NTT Franchise:

    Any B.Ed NTT Diploma Holder or Early Childhood Care Diploma Teach in your Center

  5. Choosing No.1 NTT Franchise Brand Organization in Majuli:

    Before take any Franchise Read Franchise Registration Detail Very Carefully, E-Max India is the No.1 Education Brand in Majuli, Assam working Since 2007 with 4800+ Study Center in All Over India & to know more about our Registration Click on this link.

  6. Table & Chairs, Furniture for NTT Franchise:

    Buy  Table & Chairs (Furniture) on your Local Markite.

Apply Now For Admission    Apply now for Franchise 

Course Fee & Marketing of NTT Course:

  1. Course Fee: “Before designing course fee, we need to see our Investment, Course & Surrounding Area.”
  2. Marketing: “It is Understandable that the Center has found more than 100 Student within 1 month form center Opening date But Inside many Institutes Not more then 50 Student after 1 year. The Method of Marketing is responsible for all of this. We have formed a team for how to do marketing and how to earn double profit form our institute within 1 year & all of this will be absolutely free of cost for you. To Know more Click on the Click & Fill the formOur Team will help you all of this About Course/ Fee/Location ETC. More Than 3000+ Study Center across India are Growing with Us”.

Note: A good name will mirror the identity of the Institute. Here are some questions to consider.

  1. What is your company about?
  2. What are your core values?
  3. What makes your NTT training institute different?

Starting a NTT Training Center/Step For take franchise for ntt  Registration of NTT Nursery Teacher Training Institute:

To Register your NTT Center Follow 4 Simple Step/To get NTT Center Follow this Step For NTT Registration Franchise:

  1. Apply Now (Fill your Detail in form) Fill this Online form.
  2. After that E-Max Team Cont. you.
  3. Download the form & Fill your all Detail on form & Send on our Email with attach your document.
  4. Get The Registration Certificate.

List of NTT Teacher Training Colleges in Majuli| Top 10 NTT franchise in Majuli

Top 20 Center List who Take Franchise NTT Franchise Center in Majuli how to register NTT franchise in Majuli |  NTT Course | NTT Center Recognition open Start in Majuli

Emax India Centers in Majuli:
Photo Center Name Center Head Name Location Branch Code
UPT***************************************************************************542) Md In***l Ho**e Majuli, Assam ************542
ROY****************************************************************************538) MD Ka**m Ud**n Majuli, Assam ************538
M. **********************************************************498) Ms. Ak***a Kh***n Majuli, Assam ************498
TEZ******************************************************476) Mr. De*****h Bo**h Majuli, Assam ************476
MOO***********************************************463) Mr. Mi***j Ab**n Majuli, Assam ************463
SRI*******************************************************1) Mr. Sr*****a Go**i North Majuli, Assam ************451
COM*********************************************************19) Mr. Aj*y Ha**u Dima Hasao, Assam ************419
GAU*************************************************************414) Mr. Ga***m He***m Majuli, Assam ************414
STU******************************************************399) Mr. Pa***j Pa***t Majuli, Assam ************399
KHA*********************************************************383) Ms. As**a Kh*n Majuli, Assam ************383
TEC*******************************************************071) Mi*s. De**a Mi**a Majuli, Assam ************071
AAR***********************************************312) Ms. Aa**i Ku***i Majuli, Assam ************312
GEN***************************************************************************) Mr. De*a Ku**r Ra**a Majuli, Assam ************255
RIS*******************************************************************284) Mr. Be****a Ra**a Majuli, ASSAM ************284
RAH********************************************************************286) Mr. Ra**l Das Roy Majuli, Assam ************286
ASP**********************************************************************253) H.M. If*****r Ah**d Ba******a Majuli, Assam ************253
SMA*****************************************************************195) Mrs. Ra****a Be**m Majuli, Assam ************195
THE********************************************************************173) Ms. Am***a Ho**i Dima Hasao Assam ************173
DIS**********************************************************168) Mr. Ja****m Gum Si****o Majuli, Assam ************168
DEB***********************************************************************************165) Mr. Pu**l Ch***a Bo**h Majuli, Assam ************165

NTT Registration Affiliation Full Process NTT Recognition/Open/Start N.T.T PTT Course:

Get NTT Registration & NTT franchise in Majuli, Assam  & Know About Full Process of NTT Affiliation, Recognition NTT Center Start or Open Nursery Teacher Training. Get Now Affiliation? or you want How to get Affiliation;of NTT, The N.T.T. Course.

E-Max India NTT Training Center in Majuli:

1. Abhoipuria2. Aboni Chapori3. Alengi Gaon4. Anai Chuk No 15. Anai Chuk No 26. Apechi Pathar7. Atoi Chuk8. Auniati Chapori N C9. Auniati Jungle10. Auniati Lakharaj11. Baghar Gaon12. Baghmora13. Bali Gaon14. Bata Mara15. Bebezia16. Bedang Chapori N C17. Bengena Ati Chapori N C18. Bengena Ati Puroni Satra19. Bengena Kalia20. Bessa Mara21. Bhakat Chapori22. Bheuchuk23. Bheuchuk Kumarbari24. Bhogpur Miri25. Bhogpur Pathar26. Bhogpur Satra27. Bhuramora No 128. Bhuramora No 229. Bhuramora No 330. Biralipara31. Biringa Bari32. Bokajan Miri33. Bokajan Pam34. Bokani Pathar35. Bokora36. Bon Gaon37. Bonkhowa Chuk38. Bonoria Chapori N C39. Bor Alengi Satra40. Bor Chapori41. Bor Nalani No 142. Bor Nalani No 243. Bor Pamua No 144. Bor Pamua No 245. Bora Chuk46. Borbam Pathar47. Borbeel Bebejia48. Borboka Pathar49. Borduar Chapori50. Borgayan No 151. Borgayan No 252. Borghuli No 153. Borghuli No 254. Borphakua55. Borun Chitadar Chuk56. Burha Chapori57. Burha Chapori N C58. Burha Kalita59. Burha Senchowa60. Burha Tikirai Chapori61. Chakala Satra62. Chakuli Pathar63. Chamaguri Satra64. Charai Kuruka No 165. Charai Kuruka No 266. Charala Pathar67. Chawrekia68. Chayang Miri69. Chayani70. Chayong Chapori N C71. Chengeli Suti72. Cheuni Chapori N C73. Chikari Gaon74. Chilakola Chapori75. Chilakola Kaibartta76. Chinatoli Chapori N C77. Chiram Chapori78. Chora Chowa Beel79. Da Dhara80. Dabli Chapori N C81. Dakhinpat Satra82. Dakua83. Dal Khowa84. Darbar Chapori N C85. Deka Senchowa86. Deori Pam87. Deuri Gaon88. Dhenukhona Chapori N C89. Dhodang Chapori90. Dhowachala Gaon91. Doloi Jaroni92. Doria Gaon93. Eri Chapori94. Gagol Doba95. Garamur Jugi Pathar96. Garamur Phutuki Chapori97. Garmur Satra98. Garu Chapori99. Garu Chapori N C100. Gayan Chuk101. Gayan Gaon102. Gezera103. Ghuria104. Goal Gaon105. Goalabari No 1106. Goalabari No 2107. Gobor Chuk108. Goroimari Doloni109. Gosai Bari110. Gotonga111. Gunasing Chuk112. Haladhi Bari113. Haldhiati114. Hawli115. Huttar116. Jabor Chuk Gaon117. Jabor Chuk Kathoni118. Jaborchuk Bosa Gaon119. Jamuguri120. Jengrai Chapori121. Jengrai Miri Gaon122. Jogi Gaon123. Jomud Chuk124. Jorbeel125. Juguni Dhari126. Kachari Gaon127. Kaibortta Gaon128. Kakari Kata129. Kakati Bari130. Kakila Gaon131. Kalakutum Chapori N C132. Kalia Gaon133. Kaling Chuk134. Kamalabari Satra135. Kamar Gaon136. Kamjan Alengi137. Kandhulimari138. Karaiguri139. Karati Gaon140. Karati Pathar141. Karhal Gaon142. Karki Chuk143. Karki Chuk Lahon Gaon144. Karsingati145. Kartik Chapori146. Kashikata Gaon147. Kashilata Natun Chapori148. Kathal Khowa Chapori N C149. Kathal Khowa Kathamia150. Kathal Khowa Pam151. Katoni Gaon Na Satra152. Kerela Gaon153. Keturi Bil Khat Pam154. Kuhiar Bari155. Kumolia Chapori N C156. Lahalial157. Lahon Gaon158. Lakhar Pathar159. Laklongia160. Latum Chuk161. Major Chapori N C162. Major Deuri163. Malapindha Chilakola Miri164. Manik Bill165. Mayongia166. Mayongia Chapori N C167. Mekheli Gaon168. Mera Garh169. Missamora170. Missamora Chapori N C171. Moghua Chuk172. Mohkhuti No 1173. Mohkhuti No 2174. Mohkhuti No 3175. Mohkina Gaon176. Molual Kaibartta Miri177. Molual Kalita178. Molual Miri179. Monbhal Chuk180. Monika Pathar181. Motia Bari182. Mowamari Chapori N C183. Mudoi Tanti184. Na Mati185. Nagan Chuk186. Nam Ghuria187. Nam Katoni188. Namoni Jokaibowa189. Namoni Serepai No 1190. Namoni Serepai No 2191. Namoni Serepai No 3192. Natun Bonoria Chapori N C193. Natun Kartik Chapori N C194. Natun Kulamora Chapori N C195. Okhala Chuk196. Owguri Baghpam197. Pagbandha Miri198. Panikhati199. Param Chapori200. Phalengi201. Phuloni Chapori202. Phuloni No 1203. Phuloni No 2204. Phutchang205. Phutuka Pathar206. Pohar Dia207. Pohumara208. Pohumara Vekeli Chapori N C209. Pokajora Gaon210. Pokajora Miri211. Pokimuri Chapori N C212. Polongani213. Potia Gaon214. Punia Satra Gaon215. Radha Chapori N C216. Rangachahi217. Rangali Bahar218. Rangamuri219. Ratanpur Chapori N C220. Ratanpur Gabharumelia221. Ratanpur Miri Gaon222. Ratanpur Miri Pam223. Ratanpur Miri Pathar224. Rowmara225. Rowmora Letera226. Sagunpara Chapori227. Sakupara No 1228. Sakupara No 2229. Salmari230. Sarai Chapori231. Saru Phakua232. Singaria Beel233. Sukan Suti Miri234. Sukan Suti Pathar235. Sumoi Mari236. Takarchuk Chapori N C237. Tanti Bari238. Tapatoli239. Tataya Gaon240. Tenga Chapori241. Thakur Suti242. Ujoni Jokaibowa243. Ujoni Serepai No 1244. Ujoni Serepai No 2245. Upper Katoni246. Uzir Ati


Title: NTT franchise in Majuli
Author: E-Max India
Date Published: 25/02/2022
Category: Institute Registration
Average Ratings(3985 Ratings & Reviews) 
Rating: Average Ratings4.5 
Votes: 3985
Average RatingsAverage Ratings(3985Ratings & Reviews)4.5

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